Monday, March 18, 2013

Out with the four leaf clovers

Out with the four leaf clovers and in comes the many colors of Spring!

I was reminded yesterday by a huge pinch that it was St. Patty's Day!  Well that day of green and lucky four leaf clovers is gone.  Spring and all it's glory has arrived.
The flowers are blooming all over in South Louisiana.  Streets and yards are filled with azaleas, fruit trees and more, blooming with fantastic burst of colors.  Grass is coming back green and warm days are here. 
Now is the time to get your home on the market to sell.
Call me and let's get started.
Jennifer Hutchinson, Realtor
Hutchinson Team at Town Favorites Realty
225-978-1358 cell
4451 Bluebonnet Blvd.
Baton Rouge, La 70809
225-292-1172 office