Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Start of something GREAT!!

A couple of months ago, I decided to join the Darren James Real Estate Experts Team.   In just two months, my life has changed.  I am working with more buyers than ever.  Almost everyday I hear, "the economy is bad, how are you doing it" or "housing market is worse than ever, how are you doing it" and so forth.  How am I doing it?  A wonderful, motivated Broker and his team.  The media does not control the need of sellers and buyers.  They are out there and they need committed agents, that despite any circumstance is ready to help.  

Halloween night, I received a phone call.  The sweetest man on the other line stated, " I work long hours and traveling from Mississippi to Baton Rouge everyday.  I need to see this house today and agents seems to not be working tonight."  Well I'm working!!  Showed the house within 30 minutes and submitted an offer.  Best part is, they are from Russia, expecting a baby and this is their first house.  What a joy to be part of making their dreams come true. 

Yesterday meet a client at his future home, to make a walk through. Guess what?  Same thing, young couple, baby coming, first home purchase. 

Loving my life, career and my team!

1 comment:

  1. That is a great testimony to why you are a part of our team! Always ready to make someone's dreams happen! I love working with you...
